Thursday, June 16, 2011


   It(fundraising) hasn’t been real easy.  The other day I was looking at my blog and saw the same ole 785.00 that has been there forever- and for the first time I just lost it. I was looking at one blog where they needed more money and had already raised 20,000+ and she was getting down cause they needed more, and I found myself yelling at her(well, not HER, but her little picture sitting on the right side of my screen..)
I was angry, for the first time. Here Is this person, with 20,000+ dollars and here I am cant even break 1 thousand! I just broke down crying, hit my knees and prayed. I wasn’t mad at that family...They are just going through the same thing I was. I just asked my Heavenly Father to please help me figure out a fundraiser that will WORK. Help me get this little girl some donations so we can get over there and get her home! Even if it’s just a little bit, anything to boost my morale. I started working right away on some fundraisers. About an hour later I get an email from someone I havent seen or spoken to in over 15 years. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about our adoption since he heard about it, and had a strong feeling to donate and thought it was important to get this little girl home asap. (Amazing, right?)
He asked me what I needed to atleast get on the first trip, and get us to the second...He wrote out a check for 17,000 dollars and sent it to Milana's fund!!
 I could go on, about this divine experience, and this family’s utter selflessness. 

It is scary committing to adopt KNOWING you don't have 25-35,000 dollars to do it and having pure faith that that money will come. 
Why wouldn't it,though? I mean , really??? Heavenly Father loves ALL of us. Of course if we follow his promptings, and do OUR half...He'll take care of the rest. It has been difficult through this process keeping morale up sometimes due to the lack of support or interest in some of those that are the closest to me. But I guess when you KNOW what you are doing is right, it is easier to keep faith that it will all come together.
We still have a little to go, but I know Heavenly father will continue to bless our family, those who selflessly give, and this sweet little girl.

It doesn't matter if it is 5,000 dollars or 5 dollars.... every donation  that has been given, and will be given has amazed me. 

Thank You..... Like I told this recent donor....There are no words.


  1. Oh my, what an incredible miracle. I am so happy for you.

  2. Can't wait to see Milana come home. We prayed for her and a few others at her orphanage and 3 have found families already. God is very serious when it comes to His children! He will provide. When you get over there, please check in on Warner. I pray his family comes soon.

  3. Oh I am so thankful that you see God's faithfulness!


    Psalm 62

  4. That is AWESOME! How exciting! You can't really fathom all the ways you will see God work when you decide to follow Him in the adoption journey. But He really does show Himself in some AMAZING ways. Love it!
